Terribleminds Flash Fiction Challenge

I’m a big fan of Chuck Wendig, and I’m also a fan of flash fiction. Thus, when Chuck Wendig issues a flash fiction challenge, I heed the call. Well, sometimes. Whenever I’m not trying to finish ten thousand other projects.

The current challenge is to create a piece of flash fiction using these five words, either in the piece or conceptually: figure, dust, flirt, mobile phone, wig.


“I know you from somewhere,” he said, leaning in closer than I allow strangers to get. I could feel the dust filling in the lines of my palms as I pressed them against the wall. Frat boys didn’t seem particularly adept at cleaning.

“I’m sorry, but I’m sure we haven’t met,” I replied. “I know you’re not in any of my classes.”

“Yeah, but I know I’ve seen you around somewhere. I wouldn’t forget a face as pretty as yours.” He grinned, apparently proud of his pathetic attempt at flirtation.

“Well, it’s a small campus. We’ve probably crossed paths at some point. Now, if you’ll excuse me -”

“Wait, wait, I know! You’re that nude model for the art department.”

“Oh, you’re in the figure drawing class? Awesome. But really, I -”

“No, I took figure drawing last semester. I’m in sculpture now. But I’ve seen portraits of you all over the studio.”

“Ah. Right.”

“I recognize you by your hair. People love to draw your hair.” He reached out to tug one of the curly grants that never stay straight no matter what I do. When I flinch, he takes his hand away and pulls out his cell phone. “So, what’s your number?”

“None of your damn business.” I finally push him aside and head for the door. Maybe I should start wearing wigs to work, I think as I step outside.

One thought on “Terribleminds Flash Fiction Challenge

  1. A very enjoyable short – I can perfectly envision this happening at an art school pretty much anywhere. If the quality your first post is any indication, I’ll have to keep coming back for your next ones!

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