The new Texas Poetry Calendar is here!

When I went to my poetry group on Monday, Scott Wiggerman handed me my contributor copy of the 2013 Texas Poetry Calendar. This is my second year appearing in the calendar, and I’m thrilled to be included again. My poem appears the last week of May this time around, sharing a page with the lovely “Crossing”Continue reading “The new Texas Poetry Calendar is here!”

Second Survival Day

What do Julius Caesar and I have in common? We both had pretty bad days on the Idea of March. Of course, his involved getting stabbed to death, so it was worse. Mine (in 2010) just involved a concussion, stitches in my lip (of which I remember every single one, because the anesthetic had worn off, butContinue reading “Second Survival Day”

Tracking Submissions: Another Attempt

As I mentioned yesterday, I settled on Writer’s Database as my method for submission tracking in 2012. Although I liked Sonar 3 well enough, I did have some issues with it, namely having to manually enter every single one of my market listings. In addition, the fact that the software was hooked only to myContinue reading “Tracking Submissions: Another Attempt”