November Accomplishments

November was a tough month for my writing. Between moving, having out-of-town guests, and traveling to New Orleans for Thanksgiving, it was a struggle to get things done. But I kept my regular writing habit up nonetheless. In terms of successes: Wrote 41 poems Submitted 13 poems (5 rejected; 10 pending) Submitted the chapbook manuscriptContinue reading “November Accomplishments”

October Unprocessed Wrap-Up

As I mentioned yesterday, I successfully completed October Unprocessed. I went 31 days without a single processed food. Sometimes, it was difficult. Sometimes, it was frustrating. But it was also probably the healthiest thing I have ever done for my body. Mid-month, I complained about being busy, overworked, and not having energy to cook. IContinue reading “October Unprocessed Wrap-Up”

October Accomplishments

I was slightly less productive in October than I was in September, but only slightly: Wrote 41 poems Submitted 7 poems Submitted my chapbook manuscript to two competitions Started assembling a folder of potential poems for my next manuscript Started a spreadsheet to keep track of writing guides and whether or not they helped meContinue reading “October Accomplishments”

September Writing Accomplishments

I had a busy September! Here’s a look at what I accomplished writing-wise: Wrote 43 poems Submitted 10 poems (3 rejected, 7 pending) Received a poetry acceptance from a submission a few months ago Had a poem appear at A Handful of Stones Completed my chapbook manuscript, entitled We’re Smaller Than We Think We AreContinue reading “September Writing Accomplishments”